Friday, November 11, 2011

Do u know?

Every time when I look at you~ I would ask myself.. Have I done enough? Have I been good enough? As time passes on.. I actually forgot about myself.. All I wanted to do is to make you happy.. To be the person you like.. That is so ironic.. I have always thought you would like the real me.. I am worried~ that when I am myself.. How will you think about me? Have you ever thought of what's going on in my mind? I was hurt so much that day.. But I cant tell you about it.. I guess you do not really understand me.. I am a human after all.. I have emotions sometimes.. I need your comfort sometimes.. There're things are better off not to share because it would only lead to more sadness.. I really really hope you could see through me the other day~ that I was hurt.. Haha.. it turns out I am just expecting something that wont happen I guess.. I am frustrated.. It's still my fault I think.. For not being mature enough.. Just one simple question~ How much do you know about me? =)

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